Archive for the ‘Quotes’ Category

Box of Love

Posted: February 11, 2012 in Creative, Poetry, Quotes, rant and rave, Tips

My boyfriend and I have hit a rough patch in our relationship, and I really wanted him to know how much I truly cared about him.
I saw a post on Pinterest about making a book our of a deck of cards. The title was 52 reasons I love you – you can also just search this on google.

After listing all the reasons I loved him, I numbered them. I was surprised at how many extra reasons I had. I put them on the cards, following the directions given on the Pinterest post.

The worst part of making this deck of cards was the hole punching. Gosh darn, it hurt the palm of my hand!

Anyways, after making the deck I wanted a creative way to give it to him. I found a show box and some random items around my room that I had laying around- literally.

I wrote him a 2 page description on everything in the box, this was what it said:

“Every object inside this box tells a story. One that can give you strength, one that can make you smile. Each story, each object, has one purpose and that is to make you stronger.”
“These object and their meanings are listed below.
~Hockey Tickets– to remind you of our fun adventures!
~A piece of wood– from the first board you broke (in karate)- to remind you that you are strong!
~A Fortune– you never know when you need good luck!
~A Heart– to remind you that you will always have mine!
~A Paperclip– to remind you to hold yourself together!
~A Penny– to remind you that it is never to late to give someone a penny for your thoughts!
~The word Love– to remind you that you will always have all of my love!
~A Deck Of Cards– to give you 52 reasons why I love you!
~Tissue Paper– to wipe your tears when I’m not there to do it for you!
~Shoe Box– to hold everything for you, so you don’t have to.”


Posted: January 11, 2011 in Quotes
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“When you feel like a guppy swimming in a sea of sharks, it’s time to change your thought process. You should be the shark roaming in a school of guppies.”